Temporary Housing and Family Homelessness

housing artcile

In this ongoing story from NPR, a family’s struggles with temporary housing and subsidies are discussed. This is a story that is becoming more of the exception than the rule when we look at families on the brink of homelessness, and, while not explicitly discussed, a major source of homeless youth and youth in shelters. The resources available are based on income, and are often only temporarily in place to help families ‘get back on their feet.’ The trouble is, more often than not, the family faces the possibility of becoming homeless again or having to find another housing option within a short time period. Along with these difficulties, come issues with truancy, as children are often moved several times within a single school year. As we see more federal programs designed to support families as they navigate bumps in the road, health issues, or any combination of adverse situations, we can only hope that the scaffolding becomes sturdier, better designed and better able to support families for more than just a few short months.

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